Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, August 24th 2009

Nothing crazy on the rail/bus today, BUT i did see a janky old Suburban, clearly eligible for cash for clunkers last night on my way home from In N Out. The kicker is on the back window, in huge lettering was the sentence, "Niggaz want what they can have". Now, looking beyond the irony in that no one on earth (let alone Niggaz) would want that piece of shit with the exception of the government (which would then immediately destroy it) begs the question, what posseses a man to want to paste a sentence on the back of his vehicle? Maybe if you're getting money to advertise but just a blanket sentence mocking others for not having what you have? This society is fucked up. Shameless. Thankfully we have the idiots who put this type of shit on raggedy garbage and we can get a good laugh at it. You have all seen it. The guy who rolls down the street in his primered car minus the paint sitting on $1000 rims. Couldn't that money go to feed your kids rather then my tax money? Honestly. People are renting rims now, and i thought it was bad that you can get rims on credit. Think about that. Foos are signing leases on rims now. I wonder if they require a security deposit.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Wow, its been more then a month since my last post? Time flies. Well i'm back on the grind. I was on vacation for 2 weeks, then i had to work late for a week. I tried riding the train one night at 11pm, Holy Shit was that a mistake. I swear i was on the train to Hogwarts. Fucking crazy warlocks and trolls get on the train at that hour. So i drove the rest of that week. I will have updates for you in the coming days. You will not be disappointed.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 13th, 2009

This is a picture of the inside of the bus i take every morning to work, the Metro Rapid 720. If you focus on the picture for a minute you can see some of the absurdity that presents itself when riding the bus. The young woman on the sitting down on the left is heavily invested in her reading of the Holy Bible. Meanwhile, the young man sitting accross the aisle from her was inspired by her dedicated reading and decided to whip out a book of his own. His choice of work you ask? about Goosebumps, one of R.L. Steins literary masterpieces. Do i need to point out that this kid looks like he is in high school? Am i the only one that finds this hilarious?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Lets talk about some of the more awkward situations on buses for a minute. A fair amount of people who actually ride the bus are students. Often these students have humongous backpacks. It's just part of the deal, if you're a student, you have a decent size backpack to carry all your shit. Now the backpack on the bus serves 2 purposes. One, the backpack apparently requires its own seat. Too often you see a jackass student with his iPod blasting, oblivious to anything going on around him, sitting on the inside aisle seat of a row in the bus and setting his backpack down on the window seat. To what selfish shitty place have we come as people where we don't even want people sitting next to us for the duration of a bus ride. I mean really? I actually witnessed a kid in this exact scenario while other people were standing on the bus too scared to ask him to move his shitty jansport so they can sit. THEN, when a lady actually had the balls to go ask him to move his shit so she could sit down he said "this seats taken" Wow. Now we may be saying to ourselves, "oh hell no, i would get my seat" but in reality your ass would be standing up just like everybody else, too scared to say shit. Admit it. So now, purpose number 2 is when a student gets on the bus with their back pack on their back and there are no available seats. Who ever is sitting on an aisle seat when the student makes his 180 to look the direction the bus is going after going as far back on the bus as possible, is going to get busted in the head. Its inevitable. The walkway is too small. When that kid turns that backpack is going to whip around and catch somebody like a Tyson right hook. Now the best is when the person doesn't know its coming. Ive heard stories about people sitting in that exact aisle seat reading and then BOOM glasses go flying. Moral of the story, let people sit and be careful when you turnaround. You assholes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

This individual decided to join us on the blue line yesterday afternoon on the ride home. His name, which i have given him, is Ricky "Reek"cardo. MoN'ique, who was also on the subway as you can see in the video, was not too pleased. Also, i must say the harmonica was a nice touch. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

As the mass of people exited the Purple Line (which is underground) this morning we sprinted as usual up the steps to the street level. This time the bus was already at the stop closing its doors after letting people on. The stop as you can see is at the corner of the intersection. Now, if the light is green, the bus is going to go and the people who were not at the stop can understand the driver not waiting to let them on. But, if the light is red and the bus ain't going no where, then we expect that door to fucking re-open and let us on. This driver decided to fight the system. She was not re-opening the door, and she was greeted by some pissed off people, me included, who were starring at her from the outside while she sat defiant for 5 minutes for the duration of the red light. I took a picture of this individual, who proceeded to take things one step further and pound on the door (with his dry cleaning in hand) and call the driver a "stupid fucking wetback". Meanwhile he had the support of a mob of old Mexicans standing behind him too scared to take it to that level. Until, of course, the wetback comment presented itself.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Today i decided i was going to cut off a guy in a wheel chair from getting on the bus first. Before i even gave the bus driver the chance to start unfolding the ramp i hopped in the door. Did i feel bad about it? yes. Would i do it again, most certainly. The fact of the matter is, a wheel chair kills 4 seats on a bus, and seats are the golden ticket of bus rides. If you're so lucky as to get a seat (or even better, a seat with an empty seat next to you) then you better buy a lotto ticket. So i just jumped on board and snatched an open seat in the back and everyone else waited for 15 minutes for this guy to roll on. Suckers.